By Morgan Richards
There seems to be a reputation around museums as being very quiet place, where not much happens and it's usually populated by the elderly and bored school children, but museums aren't as dull as many perceive them to be especially since now mixed reality company Double Me are stepping up the immersion with our cultural history by bringing our past to life right before you.
They recently visited the Victoria and Albert museum in London to create an exhibition with Rachel Ara, the exhibition was inspired by how the nuns of Santa Chiara inspired and paved the way for the hand created circuit boards used on the computer as part of the Apollo launch also how the medieval embroidery skills passed down made such a feat as Apollo possible. With this in mind she has the idea to use modern technology to holographically implement nuns in the exhibition space, quite fitting that the women who paved the way to technology turning data into the readable binary language get almost resurrected through the same language data years later.
The company Double Me came into this with their Hololens and the Holoportal, guests wear the Hololens and walk around the space while virtual nuns appeared in the space. These nuns were a few rooms away in the portal. The way it works is in the portal there are multiple cameras set up around the space to capture the movements of the ‘nun’ in real time and then feed the video onto the Hololens, the len's view the video in the real world as a 3D object that you can move around to view and view as a 3D object in real time along with the actors movement.
I think that more projects like this involving museums would be amazing to see as the technology develops and becomes more common, mixed reality tech like the Hololens would really be they way to improve youth engagement with art and culture since so much of our lives already revolve around technology and consumers are always looking eagerly for the next big thing to be developed and reimagine historical engagement.
As you can see in the images from the exhibition the mixed reality really worked in bringing multiple age groups back into enjoying history and experiencing it in new ways.